Beara Peninsula Heritage PhotoSite

Castletownbere, Beara, West Cork, Ireland. ©2020
Most viewed
Church of Ireland. Glengarriff570 views
USS Amabala. Fuelling Supply Tanker569 viewsStationed at Berehaven from 17th Sept 1918 to Dec 1st 1919 she was the fuel supply ship for the following Vessels stationed at Berehaven: - Nevada (Battleship No. 36, Oklahoma (Battleship No. 37), Utah (Battleship No. 31), Allen (Destroyer No. 66), Beale (Destroyer No. 40) Conyngham (Destroyer No. 58), (Stevens (Destroyer No. 86) and Terry (Destroyer No. 25)
Emigration Office569 viewsThis old building was discovered around the mid 1970’s when 'Bill Neill's Bar' was demolished in preparation for the building of the new A.I.B bank in the Square. It had been known locally in past times as the Passport Office. Here it was that people bought their boat tickets and made declarations as the first stage of being accepted into the USA
Hungry Hill569 views
The Pier568 viewsThe S.S Princess Beara coming alongside the Pier at Castletownbere
Royal Naval Hotel568 viewsBritish Sailors hiring saddle horses and jaunting cars
in front of the Royal Naval Hotel, West End, Castletownbere
The Trafalgar567 viewsThe Coffin Ship ‘Trafalgar’ beached to the west of what is now known as Blackrock terrace, Castletownbere. The ribs of the ship are still visible at low tide.
Droum 1912566 views
S.S Row Clogherane565 viewsStanding stone Row Clogherane
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