Most viewed - Buildings |
Roches Royal Hotel. Glengarriff4866 views
Puxley Mansion2419 viewsA view of the Puxley Mansion, Dunboy. Taken around 1903
Main Street, Castletown Berehaven. 19032120 views
Shanahan’s Coal and Salt Store2110 viewsBeside the Old Pier, Castletown Berehaven. 1903
Wiseman's Hill2083 viewsWisemans Hill, West End, Castletownbere. Note the oil lamp, no electricity came into the town until the early 1950’s
Glengarriff Castle1896 viewsGlengarriff Castle was one of the homes of the Shelswell-White family of Bantry House who were the landlords of Beara. It later became a hotel.
The First Post Office1752 viewsThe Square, Castletownbere. 1903
Perrin Hotel. Glengarriff1234 views
East End, Castletownbere. 1903993 views
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