Beara Peninsula Heritage PhotoSite

Castletownbere, Beara, West Cork, Ireland. ©2020
Home > Days of Yore > British & American Navy in Berehaven

Last additions - British & American Navy in Berehaven
Atlantic Telegraph Fleet 20th July 1865620 viewsThe war steamers ‘HMS Terrible’ and ‘HMS Sphinx’ moored alongside the S.S. Great Eastern at the eastern end of Bere Haven before the historic crossing of the Atlantic Ocean laying the first successful telegraph cable to America

Nov 27, 2010
Johnny Sheehan529 viewsJohnny Sheehan, Filane during a mine sweeping operation. He is 2nd to left with head bowed
Nov 22, 2010
Battleship 1st Class586 viewsPre Dreadnought Battleship moored at Castletown Berehaven 1904. Class type and name unknownNov 22, 2010
USS Utah515 viewsUSS Utah with baloon in Berehaven Harbour,1918
Nov 22, 2010
USS Stevens & USS Oklahoma 591 viewsBerehaven Sound 1918
Nov 22, 2010
USS Nevada511 viewsDivision 6, composed of the Utah (flagship), Nevada, and Oklahoma, were based on Berehaven, Bantry Bay, Ireland, its principal duty being to protect convoys from possible enemy raiders. This division made two trips into the Channel, escorting convoys when enemy submarines were reported in the vicinity. Maj. Leon W. Hoyt was the division Marine officer of this division during its entire stay in European waters. Later Division 6 joined Division 9 at Portland Bill and both divisions left that port in time to assist the Pennsylvania in escorting President Wilson, on board the George Washington into the harbour of Brest.Nov 22, 2010
USS Bushnell563 viewsUS Submarines moored to USS Bushnell at Berehaven
Nov 22, 2010
USS Amabala. Fuelling Supply Tanker574 viewsStationed at Berehaven from 17th Sept 1918 to Dec 1st 1919 she was the fuel supply ship for the following Vessels stationed at Berehaven: - Nevada (Battleship No. 36, Oklahoma (Battleship No. 37), Utah (Battleship No. 31), Allen (Destroyer No. 66), Beale (Destroyer No. 40) Conyngham (Destroyer No. 58), (Stevens (Destroyer No. 86) and Terry (Destroyer No. 25)
Nov 22, 2010
M.L.381. Berehaven 1918677 viewsThese Motor Launch Patrol vessels, built in the Elco yard, Bayonne, New Jersey were stationed in Berehaven from 1916-1919. Their duties included anti-submarine work, hydrophone monitoring, inshore minesweeping, scouting and smokescreen-laying. Other Motor Launches known to be stationed at Berehaven were the M.L.181, 183, 251 and 378
Nov 22, 2010
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